Business 108

Ch 1. Introduction to Business Ethics
Lesson 1 – Business Ethics in Contemporary Businesses Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Ethical Decision Making Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Factors that Affect Ethical Behavior in the Workplace Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Theories of Ethics: Rights & Natural Laws Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – The Act and Rule Utilitarian Models in Business Ethics Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Philosophical Approaches to Business Ethics Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Why Ethical Problems Occur in Business Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Managing Ethical Behavior in the Workplace Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Organizational Ethical Climate: Definition, Issues & Improvement Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Moral Hazard in Economics: Definition & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – The Importance of Ethics Policies, Training & Reporting Programs in the Workplace Take Quiz
Lesson 12 – Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the Workplace: Definition and Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 13 – The Difference Between Workplace Ethics and the Law Take Quiz
Lesson 14 – Unfair Competition: Methods, Elements & Laws Take Quiz
Lesson 15 – Competition Within Free Markets: Types & Summary Take Quiz

Go to chapter Introduction to Business Ethics

Practice test: Introduction to Business Ethics

Ch 2. Employees, Stockholders, & Corporate GovernanceBest Score
Lesson 1 – The Impact of Business Decisions on Stakeholders Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – How Stockholders Can Promote Their Economic and Social Objectives Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – How Companies Ethically Balance Owner, Stockholder & Stakeholder Interests Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Collective Bargaining: Definition and Labor Relations Legislation Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Health & Safety Regulations: Protection Requirements & Acceptable Risk Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Employee Rights: Employment-At-Will Doctrine & Exceptions Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Employee Rights: Privacy & Safety Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – What Is the Whistleblower Act? – Definition, Rights & Protection Take Quiz

Go to chapter Employees, Stockholders, & Corporate Governance

Practice test: Employees, Stockholders, & Corporate Governance

Ch 3. The Relationship Between Business, Government & Society
Lesson 1 – Business, Government & Society: Interactions and Influences Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Capitalism, Pluralism & Democracy: Definitions & Differences Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – What Are Interest Groups in the United States? – History & Types Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Strategies & Influence of Interest Groups on American Politics Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Government Agencies that Protect the Public From Illegal Business Practices Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Government Protections Against Stock Market Abuses Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Strategies of Market & Non-Market Business Environments Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Stakeholders of a Corporation’s Market and Non-Market Environments Take Quiz

Go to chapter The Relationship Between Business, Government & Society

Practice test: The Relationship Between Business, Government & Society

Ch 4. Public Relations for Business
Lesson 1 – Public Issues & Their Significance in the Modern Corporation Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Public Relations Management: Skills, Activities & Departmental Structure Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – What Is an Effective Issue Management Process? Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Why Companies Use Public Relations Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Crisis Planning & Management in Business: Definition & Elements Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Building Collaborative Relationships Between Organizations & Their Stakeholders Take Quiz

Go to chapter Public Relations for Business

Practice test: Public Relations for Business

Ch 5. Diversity in the Workforce
Lesson 1 – Individual Diversity: Biographical & Demographical Characteristics Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Cultural Diversity in the Workplace: Definition, Trends & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Gender Diversity in the Workplace: Definition, Trends & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Age Diversity in the Workplace: Definition, Trends & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Ability and Disability Diversity in the Workplace: Definition, Trends & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Managing a Diverse Workforce in Contemporary Organizations Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Affirmative Action: Definition and Effects on Diversity in the Workplace Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Equal Employment Opportunity: Title VII Law & Regulations Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Equal Employment Opportunity: Title VII Requirements for Managers & Organizations Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – How Organizations Promote Work-Life Balance: Definition and Common Practices Take Quiz

Go to chapter Diversity in the Workforce

Practice test: Diversity in the Workforce

Ch 6. Business-Government Relations
Lesson 1 – How the Government Promotes Economic Interests Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Governmental Regulation and Management Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Government Regulation of Administrative Agencies: Pros & Cons, and Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Government’s Non-Regulatory Influence on Business Take Quiz

Go to chapter Business-Government Relations

Practice test: Business-Government Relations

Ch 8. Corporate Social Responsibility & Citizenship
Lesson 1 – The Social Contract in Business Ethics Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Social Responsibility in Organizations Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – The Origins of Social Responsibility Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – The Levels of Corporate Social Responsibility Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Business Ethics: Corporate Social Responsibility Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Corporate Citizenship: Definition & the Five Stages Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Corporate Social Performance: Definition & Responsibilities Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Triple Bottom Line Framework & Corporate Responsibility Take Quiz

Go to chapter Corporate Social Responsibility & Citizenship

Practice test: Corporate Social Responsibility & Citizenship

Ch 9. Business & the Community
Lesson 1 – Business & the Community: Partnerships & Interactions Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Responsibilities of a Business’ Community Relations Department Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Corporate Giving Strategies: Building Community Relationships Take Quiz

Go to chapter Business & the Community

Practice test: Business & the Community

Ch 10. The Media’s Impact on Business
Lesson 1 – The Media Industry: Roles, Impact & Ethics Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Development of the Mass Media & Journalism in the United States: History & Timeline Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Rules Governing the Media: Definition & Examples Take Quiz

Go to chapter The Media’s Impact on Business

Practice test: The Media’s Impact on Business

Ch 11. Consumer Rights & Regulations
Lesson 1 – Differences Between Customers, Consumers & Consumerism Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Five Major Consumer Rights Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Government Regulation Agencies for Consumer Protection Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Protecting Consumer Privacy Online Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – What Is Product Liability? – Definition & Laws Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Ethical Issues in Medicine & Psychology Take Quiz

Go to chapter Consumer Rights & Regulations

Practice test: Consumer Rights & Regulations

Ch 12. Ethics in Advertising
Lesson 1 – Ethical Behavior in Marketing: What Are Marketing Ethics? Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Ethical & Unethical Target Marketing in Business Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Overview of the AMA Code of Ethics Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Advertising Abuses & Regulation Take Quiz

Go to chapter Ethics in Advertising

Practice test: Ethics in Advertising

Ch 13. Strategies of Special Interest Groups
Lesson 1 – Special Interest Groups & Activists: Definition & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Social vs. Business Interest Groups: Operations & Financing Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Business Strategies Against Activists Take Quiz

Go to chapter Strategies of Special Interest Groups

Practice test: Strategies of Special Interest Groups

Ch 14. Technology, Business, & Society
Lesson 1 – The Internet’s Impact on Business Operations & Interactions Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – How Technology Helps Achieve Business Success Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Ethical Issues in Managing Technology in Business Take Quiz

Go to chapter Technology, Business, & Society

Practice test: Technology, Business, & Society

Ch 15. Environmental Issues in Business
Lesson 1 – Environmental Ethics & Human Values: Definition & Impact on Environmental Problems Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – What is Environmental Legislation? – Laws, Regulations & Timeline Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Costs & Benefits of Environmental Regulation Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Sustainable Development: Definition, Obstacles & Impact Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Stages of Becoming an Ecologically Sustainable Organization Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Incentive-Based Regulatory Approaches: Environmental Taxes & Tradable Permits Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Businesses’ Major Threats to Earth’s Ecosystem Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Benefits of Effective Environmental Management in Businesses Take Quiz

Go to chapter Environmental Issues in Business

Practice test: Environmental Issues in Business

Ch 16. The Global Business Environment
Lesson 1 – Internationalization & Globalization of Businesses Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – International Companies’ Operating Environments Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Benefits & Costs of the Globalization of Business Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Managing in International Companies Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – What Is Offshoring? – Definition, Advantages & Disadvantages Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Factors Affecting the Decision to Outsource Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Political & Economic Systems in Global Business Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Regional Integration: Definition, Influence & Purpose Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Ethical Decision Making in International Business Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Ethics & Social Responsibility in International Business Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – Globalization, Capitalism & Free Trade since 1990 Take Quiz
Lesson 12 – Ethical Concerns About the Globalization of Information Take Quiz
Lesson 13 – Ethical Issues in International Business Take Quiz
Lesson 14 – Causes of Unethical Behavior in International Business Take Quiz
Lesson 15 – The Ethics of Bribery in Global Marketing Take Quiz

Go to chapter The Global Business Environment

Practice test: The Global Business Environment

Ch 17. Individual Integrity & Ethics
Lesson 1 – Impact of Morals & Values on Autonomous Moral Reasoning in Business Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – How Individual Values Affect Business Decisions Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Personal Moral Code: Definition & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Moral Compass & Intelligence in Ethical Decision-Making in Business Take Quiz

Go to chapter Individual Integrity & Ethics

Practice test: Individual Integrity & Ethics

Ch 18. Studying for Business 108
Flashcards – Business Ethics Flashcards
Flashcards – Organizational Components Flashcards
Flashcards – Business, Politics & Government Flashcards
Flashcards – Public Relations for Business Flashcards
Flashcards – Diversity in the Workforce Flashcards
Flashcards – Antitrust Laws in Business Flashcards
Flashcards – Business & the Community Flashcards
Flashcards – Ethics in Advertising Flashcards
Flashcards – Special Interest Group & Business Flashcards
Flashcards – Technology, Media & Business Flashcards
Flashcards – Environmental Issues in Business Flashcards
Flashcards – Global Business Environment Flashcards

Go to chapter Studying for Business 108