Business 325

Ch 1. Introduction to Labor Unions
Lesson 1 – Labor Force: Definition & Concept Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Labor Market: Definition & Theory Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Labor in the U.S.: Unions, Labor Markets & Professions Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Labor Relations: Definition & Process Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – What Is a Labor Union? – Definition & History Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Why Do Workers Join Unions? – Benefits & Reasons Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – The Emergence & Significance of Industrial Unions Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – The American Federation of Labor: Definition, Goals & History Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO): Status & Trends in Membership Take Quiz

Go to chapter Introduction to Labor Unions

Practice test: Introduction to Labor Unions

Ch 2. Relations Between Labor & Management
Lesson 1 – Human Resource Management: Definition, Objectives & Responsibilities Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – The Human Relations Movement: Definition and Significance to Organizational Behavior Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Ethical Issues in HR: Definition & Importance Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – The Role of HR in Employee & Labor Relations Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Work Rules, Participants & Constraints in Labor Relations Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Work Rules: Categories & Influences Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – What Are Employee Rights in the Workplace? – Law & Concept Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Efficiency, Equity & Voice in the Workplace: Definition, Role & Balance Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Company Strategic Planning for Union Management Take Quiz

Go to chapter Relations Between Labor & Management

Practice test: Relations Between Labor & Management

Ch 3. History of Labor Unions in the U.S.
Lesson 1 – The History & Philosophies of Early Labor Unions Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – A Historical Outline of Organized Labor in the United States Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – The National Trades’ Union & Worker’s Strike of 1834 Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Labor Conditions During the Second Industrial Revolution Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – The Knights of Labor: Definition, History, Goals & Leader Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – What is the Homestead Act of 1862? – Definition & Summary Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Pullman Strike: Definition, Summary & Significance Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – The Boston Police Strike of 1919 Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – The Steel Strike of 1919 Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – Textile Strike of 1934 Take Quiz
Lesson 12 – Union Development During WWI: Issues & Conflict Take Quiz
Lesson 13 – Inflation & Strikes After World War I Take Quiz
Lesson 14 – Union Development During WWII: Issues & Conflict Take Quiz
Lesson 15 – Issues in Post-WWII Union Development Take Quiz
Lesson 16 – Trends in Labor Relations: Membership & Industry Take Quiz
Lesson 17 – Modern Labor Union Trends, Membership & Practices Take Quiz

Go to chapter History of Labor Unions in the U.S.

Practice test: History of Labor Unions in the U.S.

Ch 4. U.S. Labor Law in the Private Sector
Lesson 1 – The Development of Labor Relations Law & Agencies Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Criminal & Civil Conspiracy Doctrine in Labor Law Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Effects of the Norris-LaGuardia Act on Yellow-Dog Contracts Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Danbury Hatters’ Case & Antitrust Laws Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – The Railway Labor Act of 1926: Definition & Summary Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – National Industrial Recovery Act: Definition & Summary Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Labor Relations & Unions: NLRA, Taft-Hartley & the Civil Service Reform Act Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – National Labor Relations Board: History and Purpose Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – National Labor Relations Board: Policies & Conduct Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Labor-Management Reporting & Disclosure Act of 1959 Take Quiz

Go to chapter U.S. Labor Law in the Private Sector

Practice test: U.S. Labor Law in the Private Sector

Ch 5. Public Sector Labor Relations
Lesson 1 – Public & Private Workplace Sectors: Definition & Differences Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Comparing Public & Private Sector Bargaining Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Executive Order 10988 of 1962 and the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Public Sector Labor Law: Overview & Cases Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Resolving Impasses in the Public Sector Take Quiz

Go to chapter Public Sector Labor Relations

Practice test: Public Sector Labor Relations

Ch 6. Union Structure & Management
Lesson 1 – Local Unions: Types, Structure & Leadership Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – National & International Unions: Structure & Organization Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Intermediate Organizational Units: Definition & Structure Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Closed vs. Open Shops in Labor Relations & Impacts on Human Resource Management Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Forms of Union Agreements Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Types of Union Security Provisions Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Right-to-Work Laws: Definition & Effects Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Steps in Strategic Planning for Unions Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Union Avoidance: Reasons, Factors & Strategies Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Required Assignments Reminder

Go to chapter Union Structure & Management

Practice test: Union Structure & Management

Ch 7. Union Organizing
Lesson 1 – Theories & Models of Union Formation Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Organizing a Union: Activities & Tactics Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Union Campaign: Steps, Process & Perspectives Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Employer Restrictions and Rights in Unionizing Process & Collective Bargaining Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Workers’ Rights: Union Organization & Management Relations Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Roles and Duties of Union Members and Leadership Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Unionizing Process: Certification, Decertification Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Union Decertification: Process & Policies Take Quiz

Go to chapter Union Organizing

Practice test: Union Organizing

Ch 8. The Bargaining Process in Union & Labor Relations
Lesson 1 – What Is Collective Bargaining? – Definition & Process Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Collective Bargaining: Definition and Labor Relations Legislation Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Function of Collective Bargaining Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Importance of the Collective Bargaining Process Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Benefits & Pitfalls of Collective Bargaining Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Bargaining Strategies in Labor Relations: Integrative & Distributive Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Bargaining Issues: Wages & Wage Incentives Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Bargaining Issues for Job Evaluation Programs Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Bargaining Issues Related to Employee Benefits Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Contract Ratification: Definition & Process Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – Bargaining Impasses: Strikes, Lockouts & Other Consequences Take Quiz

Go to chapter The Bargaining Process in Union & Labor Relations

Practice test: The Bargaining Process in Union & Labor Relations

Ch 9. Labor-Management Conflict Resolutions
Lesson 1 – Tactics for Resolving Labor-Management Conflicts Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Hiring Replacements for Union Workers: Challenges & Court Rulings Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Boycotts in Support of Union Strikes: Types & Issues Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Ethical Issues in Union Disputes & Conflict Resolutions Take Quiz

Go to chapter Labor-Management Conflict Resolutions

Practice test: Labor-Management Conflict Resolutions

Ch 10. Grievance, Disciplinary & Arbitration Process
Lesson 1 – Employee and Workplace Grievances: Definition & Types Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Employee Discipline in the Workplace: Procedures & Principle Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Written Warnings in the Workplace: Examples & Concept Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Common Methods of Employee Discipline: ‘Hot Stove’ and Progressive Discipline Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Employment-at-Will: Definition, Advantages & Implied Contracts Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – What Is Wrongful Termination? – Definition & Conditions Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Case Law Related to Duty of Fair Representation Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – The Development & Legal Background of Labor Arbitration Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Arbitration: Steps & Procedures Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Arbitrator: Definition, Role & Qualifications Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – Decision-Making Criteria for Arbitrators Take Quiz

Go to chapter Grievance, Disciplinary & Arbitration Process

Practice test: Grievance, Disciplinary & Arbitration Process

Ch 11. Globalization & Labor Relations
Lesson 1 – Major Drivers of Globalization & Institutions that Shaped the Process Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – U.S. Trade Policy & Law Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – The World Trade Organization: Definition, History, Purpose & Members Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – International Trade Organizations and Trade Agreements Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Multinational Bargaining: Issues & Approaches Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – The Events & History of the Regional Policy of the European Union Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – What Is NAFTA? – Definition, Effects & History Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – NAFTA & North American Integration: Reasons & Effects Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Impacts of the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC) Take Quiz

Go to chapter Globalization & Labor Relations

Practice test: Globalization & Labor Relations

Ch 12. Comparative Labor Relations
Lesson 1 – Union Formation & Bargaining in Canada, Latin America & Cuba Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Union Formation & Bargaining in Europe & the Eastern Bloc Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Union Formation & Bargaining in Asia & Australia Take Quiz

Go to chapter Comparative Labor Relations

Practice test: Comparative Labor Relations

Ch 13. Required Assignments for Business 325
Lesson 1 – Union & Labor Relations – Assignment 1: Timeline Analysis
Lesson 2 – Union & Labor Relations – Assignment 2: Analysis Paper

Go to chapter Required Assignments for Business 325