Marketing 101

Ch 1. Marketing Philosophies and Ethics
Lesson 1 – Introduction to Marketing: Definition and Applications Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Marketing, Production, Sales & Societal Marketing Orientation Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Market Orientation and Sales Orientation: Definition and Differences Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Ethical Behavior in Marketing: What Are Marketing Ethics? Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Business Ethics: Corporate Social Responsibility Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Ethics and Cause-Related Marketing Take Quiz

Go to chapter Marketing Philosophies and Ethics

Practice test: Marketing Philosophies and Ethics

Ch 2. Competitive Advantage
Lesson 1 – Competitive Advantage: The Importance of Strategic Marketing Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Business Plans: How to Develop a Business Mission Statement Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – What is SWOT: Situation Analysis in Marketing Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Types of Competitive Advantage: Cost, Product, Niche & Sustainable Advantages Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – How to Identify Strategic Alternatives in Marketing Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Target Market Strategies for Successful Business Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – The Marketing Mix: Product, Place, Price & Promotion Take Quiz

Go to chapter Competitive Advantage

Practice test: Competitive Advantage

Ch 3. The Marketing Environment
Lesson 1 – Marketing Environment: External Influences on Marketing Strategy Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Attitudes, Values & Belief: Social Factors in Marketing Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Consumer and Industry Reaction to the Market and Economy Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Technology’s Impact on Marketing and Marketers Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – The Political and Legal Environment of Marketing Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Foreign and Domestic Business Competition: Definition and Regulations Take Quiz

Go to chapter The Marketing Environment

Practice test: The Marketing Environment

Ch 4. International Marketplace
Lesson 1 – International Marketing: The Importance of Global Marketing Strategy Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Internet and Global Marketing: Ecommerce on an International Scale Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – International External Marketing: Culture, Economics, Tech & More Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – International Marketing Mix and the 4 Ps of Marketing Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Breaking Into Foreign Markets: International Marketing Strategies Take Quiz

Go to chapter International Marketplace

Practice test: International Marketplace

Ch 5. Consumer Decision Making
Lesson 1 – Understanding the Consumer Decision-Making Process: A Marketing Must Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Consumer Behavior Theory and Marketing Strategy Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Consumer Psychology and the Purchase Process Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Brand Familiarity and the Purchase Process Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Cognitive Dissonance & Post-Purchase Process Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Buying Behavior and Marketing: Types of Consumer Buying Decisions Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Influences on Consumer Buying Decisions: Cultures, Values & More Take Quiz

Go to chapter Consumer Decision Making

Practice test: Consumer Decision Making

Ch 6. Business Marketing and Marketing Research
Lesson 1 – B2B vs. B2C: How Business Marketing Differs from Consumer Marketing Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Business Marketing: Producers, Resellers, Governments & Institutions Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Business Buyers: New Buy, Modified Rebuy, Straight Rebuy Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Marketing Research: Definition, Purpose and Role in Marketing Strategy Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – How to Establish a Marketing Research Project Take Quiz

Go to chapter Business Marketing and Marketing Research

Practice test: Business Marketing and Marketing Research

Ch 7. Segmentation and Product Marketing
Lesson 1 – Market Segmentation: Why Market Segments Are Important to Marketers Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Market Segmentation: Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic & More Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – How to Segment Business Markets Step-by-Step Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Positioning and Differentiation in Consumer Marketing Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – What is a Business Product: Definition for Marketers Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Consumer Products: Convenience, Shopping, Specialty & Unsought Products Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Product Development and Business Growth: Process & Strategies Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Branding and Brand Equity in Business Marketing Take Quiz

Go to chapter Segmentation and Product Marketing

Practice test: Segmentation and Product Marketing

Ch 8. Managing a Product and Retailing
Lesson 1 – How to Develop and Market New Consumer Products Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Types of New Products: New Product Lines, Product Improvements & More Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – How to Create a Marketing Mix for Individual Cultures & Countries Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – How a New Product is Adopted by Consumers Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Classes of Adopters: Innovators, Early, Late and Laggards Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Product Life Cycles: Development, Design and Beyond Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Retailing’s Role in Marketing: Definition and Dimensions Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Retail Segments, Target Markets and Marketing Strategies Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Retail Marketing Mix vs. Traditional Marketing Mix Take Quiz

Go to chapter Managing a Product and Retailing

Practice test: Managing a Product and Retailing

Ch 9. Services Marketing, Marketing Channels & Supply Chain Management
Lesson 1 – Services Marketing: The Difference Between Services and Goods Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – How Non-Profit Marketing Differs from For-Profit Marketing Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Marketing Channel: Definition and Function in the Marketplace Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Channel Intermediaries: Definition and Function in Business Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Channel Conflict: Horizontal & Vertical Conflict Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Supply Chain Management: Technology, Measurement, Relationship & Material Integration Take Quiz

Go to chapter Services Marketing, Marketing Channels & Supply Chain Management

Practice test: Services Marketing, Marketing Channels & Supply Chain Management

Ch 10. Promotion, Advertising and Public Relations
Lesson 1 – Promotion and the Consumer Communication Process Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Goals of Promotion and the Marketing Mix Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Consumer Awareness of Promotion: The AIDA Acronym Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Integrated Marketing Communication and the Marketing Plan Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – The Promotional Mix: Target Markets, Buying Decisions & More Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behavior Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Types of Advertising: Institutional and Product Advertising Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Advertising Media Choices and Marketing Strategy Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – How Public Relations Is Different from Advertising Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Why Companies Use Public Relations Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – Sales Promotion in the Promotional Marketing Mix Take Quiz
Lesson 12 – Consumer Sales Promotion: Definition and Purpose Take Quiz
Lesson 13 – Trade Sales Promotion and the Promotional Marketing Mix Take Quiz
Lesson 14 – Customer Relationship Management and Marketing Technology Take Quiz

Go to chapter Promotion, Advertising and Public Relations

Practice test: Promotion, Advertising and Public Relations

Ch 11. Selling and Pricing Strategy
Lesson 1 – Relationship Selling vs. Traditional Methods: Definition and Purpose Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Personal Selling: The Steps of the Selling Process Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Pricing Decisions: Profit-Oriented, Sales & Status Quo Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Pricing Objectives: How Firms Decide on a Pricing Strategy Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Pricing Strategy and Consumer Perception Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Price Elasticity: Understanding Supply and Demand Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Pricing Cost: What Motivates Mark-up and Break-Even Pricing Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Price Selection: How Businesses Select the Correct Price for Products Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – How Prices Can Be Adjusted in Response to Environmental Factors Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Economic Factors of Pricing and Pricing Strategy Take Quiz

Go to chapter Selling and Pricing Strategy

Practice test: Selling and Pricing Strategy