Marketing 301

Ch 1. Foundations of Marketing Research
Lesson 1 – Influences on Consumer Buying Decisions: Cultures, Values & More Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Customer Experience: Definition, Factors & Lifecycle Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Market Segmentation: Why Market Segments Are Important to Marketers Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Market Segmentation: Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic & More Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Marketing Research: Definition, Purpose and Role in Marketing Strategy Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – How to Establish a Marketing Research Project Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – What Is Primary Data in Marketing Research? – Definition, Sources & Collection Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Secondary Data in Marketing Research: Definition, Sources & Collection Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research in Marketing Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Qualitative & Quantitative Marketing Research: Data Collection & Analysis Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – Marketing Case Study: Hewlett-Packard’s Qualitative & Quantitative Research Take Quiz
Lesson 12 – Internal & External Market Research Suppliers & Services Take Quiz
Lesson 13 – Marketing Research Ethics: Collecting Consumer Information Take Quiz

Go to chapter Foundations of Marketing Research

Practice test: Foundations of Marketing Research

Ch 2. The Marketing Research Process
Lesson 1 – Market Research: Definition, Analysis & Methodology Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – The Six Steps of the Marketing Research Process Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Translating Management Problems Into Marketing Research Questions Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Analytical Framework & Model for Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Determining Methodologies to Develop Marketing Research Designs Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Overview of Exploratory, Descriptive & Causal Research in Marketing Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Quota Sampling: Definition, Method & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Probability Sampling Methods: Definition & Types Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Sample Size & Confidence Levels for Marketing Research Studies Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Reducing Sampling & Non-Sampling Errors in Marketing Research Take Quiz

Go to chapter The Marketing Research Process

Practice test: The Marketing Research Process

Ch 3. Qualitative Research in Marketing
Lesson 1 – Applications of Qualitative Marketing Research Methods Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Focus Groups: Definition, Advantages & Disadvantages Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Conducting Marketing Research Focus Groups: Online & In-Person Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Using Interviews to Gather Marketing Research Data Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – User Experience Research Process Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – What Is Ethnographic Research in Marketing? – Definition, Methods & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Creating Online Feedback Communities for Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Projective Tests in Qualitative Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Ladder Interviews in Qualitative Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Decision-Making & Task Scenarios in Qualitative Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – Qualitative Marketing Research Analysis Methods Take Quiz

Go to chapter Qualitative Research in Marketing

Practice test: Qualitative Research in Marketing

Ch 4. Quantitative Research in Marketing
Lesson 1 – What Is Survey Research? – Definition, Methods & Types Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Response Styles of Surveys: Types, Advantages & Disadvantages Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Choosing a Survey Medium Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Measurement & Scaling in Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Comparative vs. Non-Comparative Scales in Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Designing Marketing Research Questionnaires Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Importance of Conjoint Analysis in Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Using Gamification to Enhance Survey Design Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Observational Methods of Quantitative Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Marketing Research Case Study: Take Quiz

Go to chapter Quantitative Research in Marketing

Practice test: Quantitative Research in Marketing

Ch 5. Causal Research in Marketing
Lesson 1 – Research Variables: Dependent, Independent, Control, Extraneous & Moderator Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Causal Effect: Definition & Overview Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Analyzing Effects to Determine Correlation or Causation Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – True Experimental Design Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Quasi-Experimental Designs: Definition, Characteristics, Types & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Understanding the Time Dimension in Research Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – What is Factorial Design? – Definition & Example Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Factorial Design Variations Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Designing Experiments for Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Challenges of Field Experiments in Marketing Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – Using Field Experiments to Test Entertainment: Process & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 12 – Required Assignments Reminder

Go to chapter Causal Research in Marketing

Practice test: Causal Research in Marketing

Ch 6. Secondary & Syndicated Research in Marketing
Lesson 1 – Types of Secondary & Syndicated Data Sources in Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Consumer Panels in Marketing Research: Purpose & Role Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Longitudinal Data in Marketing Research: Purposes & Uses Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Using Geography & Consumer Data for Marketing Research Take Quiz

Go to chapter Secondary & Syndicated Research in Marketing

Practice test: Secondary & Syndicated Research in Marketing

Ch 7. Basics of Data Analysis
Lesson 1 – Data Collection & Preparation in Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Data Coding & Scoring in Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Variable Respecification in Excel Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – How to Code & Recode Data in Excel Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Statistical Software for Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Mean, Median & Mode: Measures of Central Tendency Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Find the Mean & Standard Error of the Sampling Distribution Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Measures of Variability: Range, Variance & Standard Deviation Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Spread in Data Sets: Definition & Example Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Statistical Analysis: Using Data to Find Trends and Examine Relationships Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – Statistical Analysis with Categorical Data Take Quiz
Lesson 12 – Make Estimates and Predictions from Categorical Data Take Quiz
Lesson 13 – Frequency Distributions in Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 14 – Using Cross-Tabulation Reports in Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 15 – Creating Cross-Tabulations in Excel: Steps & Examples Take Quiz

Go to chapter Basics of Data Analysis

Practice test: Basics of Data Analysis

Ch 8. Data Analysis in Marketing Research
Lesson 1 – Descriptive & Inferential Statistics: Definition, Differences & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – What is a Chi-Square Test? – Definition & Example Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – What Are t-Tests? – Assessing Statistical Differences Between Groups Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Using ANOVA to Analyze Variances Between Multiple Groups Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Z Test: Formula & Example Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Parametric & Non-Parametric Tests in Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Hypothesis Testing Large Independent Samples Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Hypothesis Testing for a Proportion Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Hypothesis Testing for a Difference Between Two Proportions Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Hypothesis Testing Matched Pairs Take Quiz

Go to chapter Data Analysis in Marketing Research

Practice test: Data Analysis in Marketing Research

Ch 9. Data Patterns in Marketing Research
Lesson 1 – Interpreting the Correlation Coefficient Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Coefficient of Determination: Definition, Formula & Example Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Creating a Correlation Matrix in Excel Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Using Regression Analysis in Business Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Bivariate Analysis & Perceptual Mapping in Marketing Research Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Factor Analysis: Confirmatory & Exploratory Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Perceptual Mapping in Marketing: Definition, Techniques & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Applications of Advanced Data Analysis in Marketing Research Take Quiz

Go to chapter Data Patterns in Marketing Research

Practice test: Data Patterns in Marketing Research

Ch 10. Trends & Issues in Marketing Research
Lesson 1 – Consumer Privacy & Participation in Marketing Research: Issues & Challenges Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Trends in Mobile Marketing Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Using Big Data Analytics to Drive Business Decisions Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Ethical & Unethical Target Marketing in Business Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Marketing Research Case Study: Facebook Trends Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Using Google Apps in Marketing Research Take Quiz

Go to chapter Trends & Issues in Marketing Research

Practice test: Trends & Issues in Marketing Research

Ch 11. Marketing Research Reports & Presentations
Lesson 1 – The Three Main Components of Formal Reports Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Marketing Research Proposals & Research Briefs Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Marketing Research Results Reporting: Format, Use & Types Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Creating a Marketing Research Presentation Take Quiz

Go to chapter Marketing Research Reports & Presentations

Practice test: Marketing Research Reports & Presentations

Ch 12. Required Assignments for Marketing 301
Lesson 1 – Marketing Research: Assignment #1 – Market Research Proposal

Go to chapter Required Assignments for Marketing 301