Business 104

Ch 1. Information Systems in Organizations
Lesson 1 – What Is an Information System? Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Input, Processing, Output & Feedback: Information System Components Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Information Systems Resources: Networks, Hardware, Software, Data & People Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Information Systems Jobs & Career Options Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Business Strategies: Market Advantages Provided by Information Systems Take Quiz

Go to chapter Information Systems in Organizations

Practice test: Information Systems in Organizations

Ch 2. Hardware and Systems Technology
Lesson 1 – Computer System Components: Computer Parts & Functions Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Computer Memory and Processing Devices: Functions & Characteristics Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – External and Internal Storage Devices: Optical, Magnetic & Semiconductor Storage Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Computer Input Devices: Keyboards, Mice, Audio & Video Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Computer Output Devices: Monitors, Speakers, & Printers Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – ASCII and Unicode to Represent Characters in Binary Code Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – What Is Random-Access Memory (RAM)? – Definition & History Take Quiz

Go to chapter Hardware and Systems Technology

Practice test: Hardware and Systems Technology

Ch 3. Systems Software and Application Software
Lesson 1 – Computer Operating Systems: Managing Hardware and Software Resources Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – OS Functions: Security, System Management, Communication and Hardware & Software Services Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Enterprise, Workgroup & Personal Operating Systems Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Application Software for Personal, Enterprise & Workgroup Objectives Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – File Extensions and File Types: MP3, GIF, JPG, DOCX, XLSX, EXE, & More Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Microsoft Office and Open Office: Office Suite Applications Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Desktop Publishing & Word Processing Software: MS Word, InDesign & WordPerfect Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Presentation Software & Graphic Suites: Purpose & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Database and Spreadsheet Software: Excel, Access, dBase & Lotus 1-2-3 Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Communication Software: Purpose & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – Personal Application Software: Educational, Real Estate, Legal, Finance & Architectural Take Quiz
Lesson 12 – Workgroup Application Software for Business Teams Take Quiz

Go to chapter Systems Software and Application Software

Practice test: Systems Software and Application Software

Ch 4. Internet, Intranet, and Extranet
Lesson 1 – The Internet: IP Addresses, URLs, ISPs, DNS & ARPANET Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – World Wide Web: How the Web Works Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Web Page Design and Programming Languages: HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS & JavaScript Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Internet Communication: Social Media, Email, Blog, & Chat Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Internet Collaboration: Second Life, VOIP, Video Conferencing, Virtual Reality & Telepresence Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Search Engines, Keywords & Web Portals Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Intranet and Extranet: Comparing Information and Data Dissemination Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – OSI Model: Using Open Systems Interconnection to Send and Receive Data Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Internet Connectivity and Communication Standards Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – e-commerce & m-commerce: Buying & Selling on the Web & Mobile Devices Take Quiz

Go to chapter Internet, Intranet, and Extranet

Practice test: Internet, Intranet, and Extranet

Ch 5. Network Systems Technology
Lesson 1 – The Components of a Telecommunications System Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Client/Server and Mainframe Systems Used in Telecommunication Systems Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Telecommunications Hardware: Routers, Modems, Switches, Bridges, and Gateways Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Network Operating Systems (NOS): Windows & Novell Net Ware Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Computer Networks and Distributed Processing: PAN, LAN, WAN, MAN Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Communication & Wireless Computing Devices: GPS, PDA, Cellular & Satellite Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Short-Range Wireless Communication: Bluetooth, ZigBee & Infrared Transmission Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Medium-Range Wireless Communication: Wi-Fi & Hotspots Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Wide-Area Wireless Communication: Microwave, Satellite, 3G, 4G & WiMAX Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – How Star, Bus, Ring & Mesh Topology Connect Computer Networks in Organizations Take Quiz

Go to chapter Network Systems Technology

Practice test: Network Systems Technology

Ch 6. Enterprise Business Systems
Lesson 1 – Enterprise Software for Business Applications Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Transaction Processing Systems (TPS): Batch and Real-Time Systems Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Enterprise Resource Planning: Using ERP to Integrate Business Processes Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Customer Relationship Management: Using CRM to Focus on Customers Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Supply Chain Management in the Business, Supplier & Customer Network Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Knowledge Management: Capture, Store & Share Information with KM Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Expert Systems to Solve Complex Problems Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Electronic Data Interchange and the Transfer of Transactional Information Take Quiz

Go to chapter Enterprise Business Systems

Practice test: Enterprise Business Systems

Ch 7. Decision Support Systems and Specialized Information Systems
Lesson 1 – What Are Specialized Information Systems? – Decision Support Systems for Business Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Decision Support Systems: How Managers Analyze Internal and External Data with DSS Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Decision Making in Organizations Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Business Intelligence (BI): Organizing, Categorizing and Accessing Data Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Management Information Systems (MIS): Manager Decision-Making Tools Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Applications of Management Information Systems (MIS): Financial, Marketing, Manufacturing & Human Resources Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Executive Information Systems (EIS): Upper Management Decision-Making Tools Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS): Improving the Group-Decision-Making Environment Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Geographic Information System (GIS): Using Maps & Locations to Make Decisions Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Statistical Analysis: Using Data to Find Trends and Examine Relationships Take Quiz

Go to chapter Decision Support Systems and Specialized Information Systems

Practice test: Decision Support Systems and Specialized Information Systems

Ch 8. Systems Development
Lesson 1 – Systems Development Methods and Tools Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Systems Development Life Cycles: Software Development Process Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Developing a Graphical User Interface (GUI) Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Application Development Processes: Internal & External Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Project Roles in Systems Development in Organizations Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Project Management Tools for Systems Development Take Quiz

Go to chapter Systems Development

Practice test: Systems Development

Ch 9. Data Management
Lesson 1 – What is Database Management? – How Databases Help Organizations Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Database Concepts and Structures: The Elements That Make Up a Database Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – What is a Database Management System? – Purpose and Function Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Models of Database Management Systems (DBMS) Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – What is a Relational Database? – Elements, Design & Advantages Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Types of Data: Text, Numbers & Multimedia Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Structured Query Language: Manipulating Databases Using SQL Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Data Warehousing and Data Mining: Information for Business Intelligence Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Database Administration and Security: Definition and Purpose Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Cloud Computing and Databases: Technology to Improve Database Management Take Quiz

Go to chapter Data Management

Practice test: Data Management

Ch 10. Business, Social, and Ethical Implications and Issues
Lesson 1 – Information Technology: Impact on the Economy Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Impact of Technology on Privacy Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Intellectual Property and Open Source Software: Issues and Concerns Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Impact of e-Commerce and m-Commerce on Consumer Privacy and Fraud Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Ergonomics, Telecommuting, Virtual Teams & Job Design: Technology Effects on Careers Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Globalization, Outsourcing & Insourcing: Impact of Technology on Careers Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Computer Security & Threat Prevention for Individuals & Organizations Take Quiz

Go to chapter Business, Social, and Ethical Implications and Issues

Practice test: Business, Social, and Ethical Implications and Issues

Ch 11. Introduction to Programming
Lesson 1 – What Is Programming? – Definition & Introduction for Beginning Programmers Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Gathering User Requirements: Meetings, Observation & Surveys Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Using Validation Tools: Prototyping, Survey Review, Document Review & User Requirements Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Analysis and Design Tools: Analysis Definition and Flow Charts Introduction Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Mapping Code Using Outlines and Flow Charts Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – 5 Basic Elements Of Programming Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Programming Logic & Syntax: The Programming Toolbox Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Using Pseudocode to Map Code Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Data Types in Programming: Numbers, Strings and Others Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – How to Organize Data Using Data Structures: Files, Arrays, Lists and Others Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – How to Write a Program: Coding, Testing & Debugging Take Quiz
Lesson 12 – Object-Oriented Programming vs. Procedural Programming Take Quiz
Lesson 13 – Object-Oriented Programming: Objects, Classes & Methods Take Quiz
Lesson 14 – Machine Code and High-level Languages: Using Interpreters and Compilers Take Quiz
Lesson 15 – Programming Languages: C++, Java, Python and Others Take Quiz

Go to chapter Introduction to Programming

Practice test: Introduction to Programming

Ch 12. Studying for Business 104
Flashcards – Information Systems in Business Flashcards
Flashcards – Hardware & Systems Flashcards
Flashcards – Systems & Application Software Flashcards
Flashcards – Internet, Intranet & Extranet Flashcards
Flashcards – Network Systems Flashcards
Flashcards – Enterprise Business Systems Flashcards
Flashcards – Business Information & Decision Support Systems Flashcards
Flashcards – Systems Development Flashcards
Flashcards – Database & Data Management Flashcards
Flashcards – Effects & Impact of Technology Flashcards
Flashcards – Introductory Programming Flashcards

Go to chapter Studying for Business 104