Business 310

Ch 1. Understanding Business in Ethics
Lesson 1 – Business Ethics in Contemporary Businesses Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Business Ethics: Rights, Obligations & Approaches Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Why Ethical Problems Occur in Business Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Business Ethics: The Six Pillars of Character Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Code of Ethics: Compliance-based and Integrity-based Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Code of Business Conduct: Ethics, Standards & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – How Companies Ethically Balance Owner, Stockholder & Stakeholder Interests Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Case Study: Business Ethics at Starbucks Take Quiz

Go to chapter Understanding Business in Ethics

Practice test: Understanding Business in Ethics

Ch 2. Foundations of Ethics
Lesson 1 – Sources of Ethical Standards in Business Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Virtue Ethics: Strengths & Weaknesses Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Virtue Ethics vs. Deontological Ethics Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Virtue Ethics in the Workplace: Approach & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – What is Utilitarianism? – Definition & Theory Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Virtue Ethics vs. Utilitarianism Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Natural Rights: Definition, Theory & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Theories of Ethics: Rights & Natural Laws Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Human Rights & Moral Duties: Definition & Relationship Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Theory of Justice & Ethics of Care in Organizations Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – How Moral Philosophies Relate to Business Ethics Take Quiz
Lesson 12 – Ethical Theories in Business: Applications & Differences Take Quiz

Go to chapter Foundations of Ethics

Practice test: Foundations of Ethics

Ch 3. Ethics & the Individual
Lesson 1 – Impact of Morals & Values on Autonomous Moral Reasoning in Business Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – How Individual Values Affect Business Decisions Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – What is Morality? – Definition, Principles & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Why Be Moral? – Sociological, Psychological & Theological Reasoning Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Personal Moral Code: Definition & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Ethics, Morals & Values in Business: Comparison & Applications Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Ethical Development: Stages & Training Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Moral Hazard in Economics: Definition & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Ethical Decision Making Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – Moral Compass & Intelligence in Ethical Decision-Making in Business Take Quiz

Go to chapter Ethics & the Individual

Practice test: Ethics & the Individual

Ch 4. Ethics & the Leader
Lesson 1 – Ethical Considerations of Leaders & Managers Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – The Importance of Ethical Leadership Skills Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – What Is Managerial Ethics? -Definition & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Managing Ethical Behavior in the Workplace Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Organizational Climate: Definition, Factors & Impacts on Culture Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Organizational Ethical Climate: Definition, Issues & Improvement Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Ethical Culture and Positive Culture in Organizations Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Ethical Conflicts in Stakeholders’ & Shareholders’ Needs & Expectations Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – A Stakeholder-Based Approach to Ethical Decision Making Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – The Impact of Business Decisions on Stakeholders Take Quiz

Go to chapter Ethics & the Leader

Practice test: Ethics & the Leader

Ch 5. Ethics in an Organization
Lesson 1 – What Are Core Values of a Company? – Definition & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Shared Values in an Organization: Definition & Explanation Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – The Importance of Ethics Policies, Training & Reporting Programs in the Workplace Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Corporate Social Performance: Definition & Responsibilities Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – The Social Contract in Business Ethics Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – The Origins of Social Responsibility Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Business Ethics: Corporate Social Responsibility Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – The Levels of Corporate Social Responsibility Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Impact of Company Culture on Corporate Social Responsibility Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Legal and Ethical Communication: Description & Importance Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – Business Case Study: Unilever Corporate Culture & Values Take Quiz
Lesson 12 – Required Assignments Reminder

Go to chapter Ethics in an Organization

Practice test: Ethics in an Organization

Ch 6. Emerging Issues in Business Ethics
Lesson 1 – Ethical Issues from Business Scandals: Fraud, Insider Trading & More Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Ethical Communication in the Workplace Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Business Case Study: Communication at Dell Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Ethical Issues in Managing Technology in Business Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – The Importance of Ethics in Accounting Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Ethics in Managerial Accounting Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Ethical & Unethical Target Marketing in Business Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Overview of the AMA Code of Ethics Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Advertising Abuses & Regulation Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Ethics in Project Management Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – Managing a Diverse Workforce in Contemporary Organizations Take Quiz
Lesson 12 – SCM Case Study: Decision Making at 3M Take Quiz
Lesson 13 – Ethics of Value Chain Management Techniques Take Quiz
Lesson 14 – How Organizational Values Affect Emerging Business Issues Take Quiz

Go to chapter Emerging Issues in Business Ethics

Practice test: Emerging Issues in Business Ethics

Ch 7. Ethics Around the Globe
Lesson 1 – Ethical Issues in International Business Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Ethical Decision Making in International Business Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Ethics & Social Responsibility in International Business Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – What Is Offshoring? – Definition, Advantages & Disadvantages Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Sweatshops and Child Labor Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Serving the Bottom of the Pyramid: Strategy & Concept Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Global and Diversity Issues in Project Management Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Globalization’s Impact on Operations & Supply Chain Management Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Human Resource Issues in International Business Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – HRM Case Study: General Electric in Hungary Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – Making Socially Responsible & Ethical Global Marketing Decisions Take Quiz
Lesson 12 – Business Case Study: Globalization of Coca-Cola Take Quiz

Go to chapter Ethics Around the Globe

Practice test: Ethics Around the Globe

Ch 8. Understanding Ethics & the Environment
Lesson 1 – Environmental Ethics & Human Values: Definition & Impact on Environmental Problems Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Comparing Life-Centered & Human-Centered Environmental Ethics Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Environmental Worldviews: Western & Deep Ecology Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Systems Thinking & Environmental Ethics in Organizations Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – What Is Environmental Racism? – Definition & Ethics Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Resource Depletion & Its Negative Effects on Ecosystems Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – From Highways to Canals: How Transportation Infrastructure Affects Ecosystems Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Energy Consumption of The World: The Differences in Consumption Between Developing and Developed Nations Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – Environmental Sustainability: Definition and Application Take Quiz
Lesson 10 – Human Behaviors that Threaten Environmental Sustainability Take Quiz
Lesson 11 – Supply Chain Sustainability: Environmentally Sound Choices Take Quiz
Lesson 12 – Sustainability Marketing: Definition, Strategies & Example Take Quiz
Lesson 13 – The Economics of Pollution: Marginal Cost of Pollution & Optimum Amount of Pollution Take Quiz
Lesson 14 – World Trade Rules & Environmental Policies Take Quiz

Go to chapter Understanding Ethics & the Environment

Practice test: Understanding Ethics & the Environment

Ch 9. Required Assignments for Business 310
Lesson 1 – Advanced Business Ethics – Assignment 1: Comparison Paper
Lesson 2 – Advanced Business Ethics – Assignment 2: Analysis Paper

Go to chapter Required Assignments for Business 310

Ch 10. Studying for Business 310
Flashcards – Emerging Issues in Business Ethics Flashcards
Flashcards – Ethics & the Environment Flashcards
Flashcards – Ethics & the Individual Flashcards
Flashcards – Ethics & the Leader Flashcards
Flashcards – Ethics Around the Globe Flashcards
Flashcards – Ethics in an Organization Flashcards
Flashcards – Foundations of Ethics Flashcards
Flashcards – Understanding Business in Ethics Flashcards

Go to chapter Studying for Business 310