Business 312

Ch 1. Introduction to Operations Management
Lesson 1 – Operations Management: Definition & Fundamentals Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – What is a Business Model? – Definition & Relationship to Operations Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – History of Operations & Supply Chain Management Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Positioning Strategy: Definition & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Production, Productivity & Competitiveness Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Business Management Processes: Definition, Types & Importance Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Services Marketing: The Difference Between Services and Goods Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – The Theory of Constraints: Business Applications Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – What Is a Value Chain? – Definition, Analysis & Example Take Quiz

Go to chapter Introduction to Operations Management

Practice test: Introduction to Operations Management

Ch 2. Business & Operations Processes
Lesson 1 – What is Business Process Modeling (BPM)? – Definition, Notation & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Business Processes: Identification & Analysis Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Operations Management: How to Build a Process Map Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Enterprise Resource Planning: Using ERP to Integrate Business Processes Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Process Metrics: Thruput, Inventory & Flow Time Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Process Configurations & Effects on System Performance Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Identifying & Managing Business Process Bottlenecks Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Using Batching in Operation Process Design Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – The Balanced Scorecard Strategy Take Quiz

Go to chapter Business & Operations Processes

Practice test: Business & Operations Processes

Ch 3. Quality Management & Control
Lesson 1 – Product Quality in Operations & Supply Chains: Definition & Dimensions Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – What is Continuous Quality Improvement? – Definition, Process & Methodologies Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – What Is Quality Management System? – Definition & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Productivity, Quality, Profitability and the Role of Managers Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Quality Circle: Definition & Process Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – ISO 9000 Certification Take Quiz

Go to chapter Quality Management & Control

Practice test: Quality Management & Control

Ch 4. Continuous Process Improvement
Lesson 1 – Statistical Process Control: Definition & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Total Quality Management (TQM): Definition, Principles & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) in an Organization Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Deming, Juran & Crosby: Contributors to TQM Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Quality School of Management: Kaizen & Reengineering Approaches Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Six Sigma: Principles & Process Take Quiz

Go to chapter Continuous Process Improvement

Practice test: Continuous Process Improvement

Ch 5. Forecast & Demand Planning
Lesson 1 – Quantity Demanded: Definition & Factors Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Understanding Aggregate Supply & Demand Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Demand Forecasting Techniques: Moving Average & Exponential Smoothing Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Using Qualitative Data for Demand Forecasting Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Alternatives for Managing Demand Take Quiz

Go to chapter Forecast & Demand Planning

Practice test: Forecast & Demand Planning

Ch 6. Performance Metrics & Process Variability Analysis
Lesson 1 – Common Operational Performance Metrics Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Understanding Statistical Variability Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Using Statistics to Measure & Analyze Process Variability in Business Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Inventory Valuation Methods: Specific Identification, FIFO, LIFO & Weighted Average Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Required Assignments Reminder

Go to chapter Performance Metrics & Process Variability Analysis

Practice test: Performance Metrics & Process Variability Analysis

Ch 7. Supply Chain & Inventory Management
Lesson 1 – Supply Chain Management: Technology, Measurement, Relationship & Material Integration Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Supply Chain Management in the Business, Supplier & Customer Network Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Logistics of Goods and Services Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Supply Chain Management: Elements & Goals Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Bullwhip Effect: Causes & Effects Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Items that Make Up Merchandise Inventory Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Inventory Cost: Definition, Methods & Types Take Quiz

Go to chapter Supply Chain & Inventory Management

Practice test: Supply Chain & Inventory Management

Ch 8. Sustainability & Lean Management Systems
Lesson 1 – Supply Chain Sustainability: Environmentally Sound Choices Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Just in Time Inventory: Definition, Advantages & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Lean Organizational Structure Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – The 5S Approach to Waste Elimination for Lean Businesses Take Quiz

Go to chapter Sustainability & Lean Management Systems

Practice test: Sustainability & Lean Management Systems

Ch 9. Project Management for Operations
Lesson 1 – The Project Team and Work Breakdown Structure Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – PERT Analysis & Project Completion Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Gantt Charts & Bar Graphs: Henry Gantt’s Contributions to Management Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – The Decision Making Process for Organizations Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Decision Making for Managers: Certainty, Risk & Uncertainty Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Quantitative Decision Making Tools: Decision Trees, Payback Analysis & Simulations Take Quiz

Go to chapter Project Management for Operations

Practice test: Project Management for Operations

Ch 10. Cost Analysis
Lesson 1 – Fixed Costs: Definition, Formula & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Cost-Benefit Analysis: Payback & Accounting Rate of Return Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Return on Investment: Definition, Formula & Example Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – ABC Cost & Inventory Analysis: Examples Take Quiz

Go to chapter Cost Analysis

Practice test: Cost Analysis

Ch 11. Managing Risk in Operations Management
Lesson 1 – Risk Registers in Operations Management Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Assessing Earned Value to Track Progress & Measure Risk Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Types of Risk & Creating Contingency Plans Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Methods for Responding to Risk as it Happens Take Quiz

Go to chapter Managing Risk in Operations Management

Practice test: Managing Risk in Operations Management

Ch 12. Required Assignments for Business 312
Lesson 1 – Essay Prompts, Rubric & Instructions for Advanced Operations Management

Go to chapter Required Assignments for Business 312

Ch 13. Studying for Business 312
Flashcards – Basic Operations Management Flashcards
Flashcards – Business & Operations Processes Flashcards
Flashcards – Quality Management & Control Flashcards
Flashcards – Continuous Process Improvement Flashcards
Flashcards – Forecasting, Demand Planning & Cost Analysis Flashcards
Flashcards – Performance Metrics & Process Variability Analysis Flashcards
Flashcards – Supply Chain & Inventory Management Flashcards
Flashcards – Sustainability & Lean Management Systems Flashcards
Flashcards – Operations Project Management Flashcards
Flashcards – Risk Management in Operations Flashcards

Go to chapter Studying for Business 312