Business 100

Ch 1. The Dynamic Business Environment
Lesson 1 – How the Economic and Legal Environment Affects Business Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – How The Technological Environment Affects Business: Examples & Effects Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – How The Competitive Environment Affects Business: Examples & Importance Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – How The Social Environment Affects Business: Examples & Impact Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – How The Global Business Environment Affects Business: Explanation & Examples Take Quiz

Go to chapter The Dynamic Business Environment
Practice test: The Dynamic Business Environment

Ch 2. Practicing Social Responsibility and Ethical Behavior in Business
Lesson 1 – Business Ethics in Contemporary Businesses Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Code of Ethics: Compliance-based and Integrity-based Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Social Responsibility in Organizations Take Quiz

Go to chapter Practicing Social Responsibility and Ethical Behavior in Business

Ch 3. Economics and Business
Lesson 1 – What is Economics? – Definition & Types Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Circular Flow of Economic Activity: The Flow of Goods, Services & Resources Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Competition Within Free Markets: Types & Summary Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Understanding Socialism, Communism, and Mixed Economies: Comparison & Analysis Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Gross Domestic Product: Definition and Components Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – The Business Cycle: Economic Performance Over Time Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Consumer Price Index: Measuring the Cost of Living and Inflation Take Quiz

Go to chapter Economics and Business
Practice test: Economics and Business

Ch 4. Business in Global Markets
Lesson 1 – The Importance of the Global Market and Global Trade: Role & Advantages Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Importing and Exporting in a Global Market: Definition, Process & Importance Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Strategies for Reaching Global Markets: Examples & Types Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Forces that Affect Trade in Global Markets Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – The Changing Landscape of the Global Market Take Quiz

Go to chapter Business in Global Markets
Practice test: Business in Global Markets

Ch 5. Forms of Business Ownership
Lesson 1 – Organizational Structure & Ownership of a Business Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Corporate Expansion: Mergers and Acquisitions Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Franchises: Opportunities and Challenges Take Quiz

Go to chapter Forms of Business OwnershipPractice test: Forms of Business Ownership

Ch 6. Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Lesson 1 – What is an Entrepreneur? – Definition, Characteristics & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Small Business in the American Economy Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Small Business in a Global Market Take Quiz

Go to chapter Entrepreneurship and Small BusinessPractice test: Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Ch 7. Managing and Leading in Business
Lesson 1 – Managerial Skills: How Good Managers Promote Productivity Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Four Functions of Management: Planning, Organizing, Leading & Controlling Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Types of Planning: Strategic, Tactical, Operational & Contingency Planning Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – What is a SWOT Analysis? Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Types of Internal Organizational Change: Structural, Strategic, People, and Process Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Leadership: Leaders & Their Role in Organizations Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – What Is Management by Objective? – Defining the MBO Process Take Quiz

Go to chapter Managing and Leading in Business
Practice test: Managing and Leading in Business

Ch 8. Leadership Styles in Business
Lesson 1 – Leadership Orientation: Task-Oriented & People-Oriented Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Classical Leadership: Theories, Overview Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – What is New Leadership Theory? Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Leadership Style & Fit in the Workplace Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Using the 5Ps Leadership Analysis Take Quiz

Go to chapter Leadership Styles in Business
Practice test: Leadership Styles in Business

Ch 9. Organizational Management
Lesson 1 – Principles of Organizational Management Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Organizational Design: Theory, Principles & Definition Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Organizational Design and Structure Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Types of Traditional Organizational Designs: Simple, Functional & Divisional Designs Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Types of Contemporary Organizational Designs: Matrix, Team & Network Designs Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Organizational Behavior Theory in Business Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Five Principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – Modern Theory of Management Take Quiz

Go to chapter Organizational Management
Practice test: Organizational Management

Ch 10. Business Production and Operations
Lesson 1 – Operations Management: Focusing on Production Efficiency & Customer Satisfaction Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Productivity, Quality, Profitability and the Role of Managers Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Operations Management Planning Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – PERT Analysis & Project Completion Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Gantt Charts & Bar Graphs: Henry Gantt’s Contributions to Management Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Management Information Systems: Using Data to Manage Operations Take Quiz

Go to chapter Business Production and Operations
Practice test: Business Production and Operations

Ch 11. Workplace Productivity & Motivation
Lesson 1 – Workplace Motivation: Theories, Types & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Motivation Theory: Needs-Based & Behavior-Based Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – What Is Motivation In Management? – Definition, Process & Types Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – What Is Staff Motivation? – Theories & Strategies Take Quiz

Go to chapter Workplace Productivity & Motivation
Practice test: Workplace Productivity & Motivation

Ch 12. Basics of Human Resources
Lesson 1 – Human Resource Management: Hiring and Staffing Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Human Resource Management (HRM): Laws & Regulations Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Performance Appraisal and 360 Feedback Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Understanding Employee Compensation Take Quiz

Go to chapter Basics of Human Resources
Practice test: Basics of Human Resources

Ch 13. Managing the Employer-Worker Relationship
Lesson 1 – A Historical Outline of Organized Labor in the United States Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Function of Collective Bargaining Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Mediation & Arbitration: Third-Party Interventions in Organizations Take Quiz

Go to chapter Managing the Employer-Worker Relationship
Practice test: Managing the Employer-Worker Relationship

Ch 14. Business Marketing Basics
Lesson 1 – Types of Competitive Advantage: Cost, Product, Niche & Sustainable Advantages Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Target Market Strategies for Successful Business Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Marketing Research: Definition, Purpose and Role in Marketing Strategy Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – B2B vs. B2C: How Business Marketing Differs from Consumer Marketing Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Market Segmentation: Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic & More Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Influences on Consumer Buying Decisions: Cultures, Values & More Take Quiz

Go to chapter Business Marketing Basics
Practice test: Business Marketing Basics

Ch 15. Product Development and Retailing
Lesson 1 – Product Development and Business Growth: Process & Strategies Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Types of New Products: New Product Lines, Product Improvements & More Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – What Is Product Packaging in Marketing? – Definition, Types & Importance Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – How a New Product is Adopted by Consumers Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Product Life Cycles: Development, Design and Beyond Take Quiz

Go to chapter Product Development and Retailing
Practice test: Product Development and Retailing

Ch 16. Product Distribution & Supply Chain Management
Lesson 1 – Channel Intermediaries: Definition and Function in Business Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Types of Wholesale Intermediaries Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Retail Distribution Strategies Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Non-Store Retailing: Types, Trends & Examples Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Supply Chain Management: Technology, Measurement, Relationship & Material Integration Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Logistics of Goods and Services Take Quiz

Go to chapter Product Distribution & Supply Chain Management
Practice test: Product Distribution & Supply Chain Management

Ch 17. Pricing Strategy in Marketing
Lesson 1 – Pricing Decisions: Profit-Oriented, Sales & Status Quo Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Pricing Objectives: How Firms Decide on a Pricing Strategy Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Pricing Strategy and Consumer Perception Take Quiz

Go to chapter Pricing Strategy in Marketing
Practice test: Pricing Strategy in Marketing

Ch 18. Product Promotion in Business
Lesson 1 – Promotion and the Consumer Communication Process Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Goals of Promotion and the Marketing Mix Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Integrated Marketing Communication and the Marketing Plan Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behavior Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Types of Advertising: Institutional and Product Advertising Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Advertising Media Choices and Marketing Strategy Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – Trade Sales Promotion and the Promotional Marketing Mix Take Quiz

Go to chapter Product Promotion in Business
Practice test: Product Promotion in Business

Ch 19. MIS Basics in Business
Lesson 1 – Business Strategies: Market Advantages Provided by Information Systems Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Internet Communication: Social Media, Email, Blog, & Chat Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Internet Collaboration: Second Life, VOIP, Video Conferencing, Virtual Reality & Telepresence Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Business Intelligence (BI): Organizing, Categorizing and Accessing Data Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Management Information Systems (MIS): Manager Decision-Making Tools Take Quiz

Go to chapter MIS Basics in Business
Practice test: MIS Basics in Business

Ch 20. Implications of Information Technology
Lesson 1 – Information Technology in Business: Benefits & Limitations Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – How Technology Helps Achieve Business Success Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – E-Business Enhanced and E-Business Enabled Organizations Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Ethical Issues in Managing Technology in Business Take Quiz

Go to chapter Implications of Information Technology
Practice test: Implications of Information Technology

Ch 21. Risk Management in Business
Lesson 1 – Ways to Manage Risk: Insurable and Uninsurable Risk Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Understanding Insurance Policies and Risk Management Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Insurance Coverage for Various Types of Risk Take Quiz

Go to chapter Risk Management in Business
Practice test: Risk Management in Business

Ch 22. Accounting Basics
Lesson 1 – What Is Accounting? – Purpose, Importance & Relationship to Business Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – External and Internal Users and Uses of Accounting Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – What Is GAAP? – The Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Technology in Accounting: The Growing Role of Technology in Accounting Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – What Are Financial Statements? – Definition, Purpose & Importance Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – The Accounting Cycle: Definition, Steps & Examples Take Quiz

Go to chapter Accounting Basics
Practice test: Accounting Basics

Ch 23. Financial Management in Business
Lesson 1 – The Role and Responsibilities of Financial Managers Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Debt Capital Vs Equity Capital Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Sources of Short-Term Financing Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – Sources of Long-Term Financing Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – The Financial Planning Process Take Quiz

Go to chapter Financial Management in Business
Practice test: Financial Management in Business

Ch 24. Securities Markets and Business
Lesson 1 – Securities Markets and Investment Bankers Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Selling Stock to Raise Capital Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – The Advantages of Bond Financing Take Quiz

Go to chapter Securities Markets and Business
Practice test: Securities Markets and Business

Ch 25. Money and Financial Institutions
Lesson 1 – The Four Basic Functions of Money Take Quiz
Lesson 2 – Money and Multiplier Effect: Formula and Reserve Ratio Take Quiz
Lesson 3 – Private Investment and Real Interest Rates Take Quiz
Lesson 4 – What is the Federal Reserve System? Take Quiz
Lesson 5 – Reserve Requirement, Open Market Operations and the Discount Rate Take Quiz
Lesson 6 – Institutions of the U.S. Banking System Take Quiz
Lesson 7 – How Technology Makes Banking More Efficient Take Quiz
Lesson 8 – International Banking and Services Take Quiz
Lesson 9 – The World Bank, IMF & Other International Banking Organizations Take Quiz

Go to chapter Money and Financial Institutions
Practice test: Money and Financial Institutions

Ch 26. Studying for Business 100
Flashcards – Dynamic Business Environment Flashcards
Flashcards – Social Responsibility & Ethics in Business Flashcards
Flashcards – Economics & Business Flashcards
Flashcards – Business in Global Markets Flashcards
Flashcards – Entrepreneurship & Forms of Business Flashcards
Flashcards – Business Management & Leadership Flashcards
Flashcards – Product Development & Distribution Flashcards
Flashcards – Human Resources in the Workplace Flashcards
Flashcards – Marketing Strategies in Business Flashcards
Flashcards – Information Technology in Business Flashcards
Flashcards – Risk Management Flashcards
Flashcards – Finances in Business Flashcards

Go to chapter Studying for Business 100